Top 10 SEO website software (free / paid) best

 Many people mistakenly think that just understanding what a blog is, what content is and knowing how to write a standard SEO article will immediately achieve the desired search results. This is only part of the factors determining the results of doing SEO for you or your customers. There are dozens of other SEO criteria that you need to keep track of. So to make sure your website is optimized on the search bar, you will need SEO software.

Professional seo software is a tool to measure, analyze and test to help you come up with the right solution to overcome and achieve high efficiency. If you are wondering how does it work? Try to discover 10 best free SEO software that is best rated today.

Why is SEO software needed?

With the era of technology 4.0, website SEO is gradually becoming more popular and more competitive. In essence, there are many different ways to do SEO, but the ultimate goal is to achieve the results you want.

Therefore, to achieve quality, you have to go through a process of learning, accumulating and practicing to learn from yourself. However, an undeniable fact, you are "intelligent, geographic" or know what content is, the standard way of writing content still requires the support of machines, tools, software, ...

SEO software is your companion, always standing shoulder to shoulder in your journey to conquer SEO. Have you ever wondered your article has standard SEO yet? Why do it right, but the ranking still hasn't increased? The best SEO support software will help you answer these questions and provide the following benefits:

Check that the article has correct SEO standards

Detecting errors in the article

Competitor analysis

Check the article for the keyword that Google is understanding and vice versa

Manage traffic, ranking,… easily

Increase revenue and profit for businesses quickly. But it is cost-effective and efficient

Top 10 best professional website SEO software today

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool used to analyze your website provided by Google with high accuracy. It can be said that this is the most widely used software in the world. Because it offers many amazing benefits. And links well with other Google tools like: Optimize, Search Console and Data Studio.

Google Analytics SEO software

After a process of doing SEO, you can use this tool to analyze the efficiency and accuracy of data and user behavior on the website. From there, come up with plans and plans for your SEO strategy.

Features that Google Analytics offers:

Track website traffic, manage information, data such as number of users, total pageviews, bounce rate, average pageview time ...

Analyze which link users access the website from

Control the number of users on the website in real time

Track and manage user behavior on website

Analyze demographic data such as age group, gender, region ...

Link Google Analytics tool with other important tools such as Google Tag Manager, Google Webmaster Tools, Adwords,… ..

2. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is the most useful, secure, free web SEO tool out of the entire list. It's hard to imagine doing modern website SEO without accessing data in Google's Search Console. This is the most reliable tool for information about how Google crawls and ranks your website. At the same time, Search Console is one of the only places where you can get reliable keyword data.

professional seo software - Google Search Console tool

3. Professional SEO software: SEMrush

SEMrush is one of the famous online website index analysis tools in the foreign SEO community today. This tool is known as a keyword research tool. And analyze the top competitors in the SEO industry. See also comparing top keyword research tools to see the advantages of SEMrush.

SEMrush offers a full suite of SEO tools and has a free account option. If you only work with a single website or just need a quick look at the top-level data. The free account gives you access to a "project". Including controls, basic site metrics, as well as keyword and domain reporting will be restricted.

SEMrush is widely used

The outstanding advantage of SEMrush is the more detailed reporting of the IP address that has placed backlinks to the website. In addition, SEMrush brings powerful features to support the SEO process:

Information about organic traffic

Analyze the amount of website traffic

Keyword analysis the ad competitor ran

See keyword rankings on competitor websites

See a competitor's keyword overview

Analyze keyword competition

Track website rankings

Check the technical error page

SEO content analysis

4. SEO Software: Screaming Frog

In addition to the best SEO website software available today, Screaming Frog is the most popular desktop-based crawler. Many people don't realize that Screaming Frog has a free version that allows up to 500 URLs per crawl. Although not as fully functional as the paid version. But they do pretty much help with small projects and smaller website management.

SEO Screaming Frog software for effective SEO support

5. SEO Quake

An undisputed advantage of SEO Quake is the cost savings. But still high quality. This tool is completely free and quite easy to use for the beginner to doing SEO. Almost every SEO person has this tool installed.

Used to check traffic, links, number of social shares, keyword density, On-page error checking ... Thus, you can find errors to fix and adjust for efficiency. With this SEO support software, you must download and install it to use it.

Free SEO Quake tool

Features of the software SEO Quake brings SEO:

Onpage analysis

Keyword density analysis

Check Internal Link and External Link

URL comparison

6. SEO Software: Ahrefs

Ahrefs is one of the best SEO website support software that is very popular in the SEO industry in Vietnam. Besides, Ahrefs is famous as the largest tool to retrieve information about backlinks.

There are also keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink building. This is a paid software but you will get a 7-day trial for 7 $. This is your chance to experience the special features of Ahrefs.

SEO software Ahrefs

The advantage of Ahrefs is a treasure trove of backlinks and competitor analysis to provide solutions and a reasonable SEO plan for your project. However, the parameters of the competition are only relative. Because to see the most accurate number is the competitor's Search Console only. Therefore, you should use them for the right purposes, support safe web SEO and do not overdo them.

7. Google Keyword Planner

Google's Keyword Planner was built for people who use Google advertising. But it still provides a ton of information that is useful for SEO keyword planning.

It uses Google's own data and has useful functions like country filtering. At the same time, it is the most popular keyword analysis tool. And is your most popular SEO.

Trusted word search engine

Features that Google Keyword Planner brings:

Support to find the number of keyword searches (Search Volume)

See keyword ideas from competitors

Search and capture the questions that users are interested in

Find a lucrative keyword by looking at the suggested bid

Check for keywords in the surrounding area

This is SEO software that helps you in searching. And analyze the keywords to make a suitable and effective SEO website strategy.

8. SEO Software: SimilarWeb

Referring to the best secure web SEO support software, we can't help but mention SimilarWeb. This is a tool to help research competitors' traffic.

Top pages, marketing channels, and more. The free offer is limited to 5 results per metric. But it is usually enough to get data points fast.

SimilarWeb effectively supports SEO

9. Yoast SEO

If you use WordPress then this tool is certainly not unfamiliar. Yoast is the "name" in WordPress SEO. It is the most trusted, most installed (over 30 million websites) and most often, creative.

With the help of Jono Alderson, they have made some amazing advances in structured data delivery. Yoast tool is recommended to use to optimize articles effectively and quickly.

Yoast SEO is widely used in wordpress

10. Rank Math

Any blogger or website developer who is serious about ranking their site in search engines must use a WordPress SEO plugin. Yoast SEO is the top SEO Plugin used by bloggers and web developers. However, legend, another well known company for WordPress themes and plugins, has developed a new SEO plugin called Rank Math. And it stormed the blogging community!

best seo software


Easy-to-follow free installation wizard

Simple and neat user interface

Google webmaster center integration

Google Keyword & Trend Comparison Tool [Coming Soon]

Error 404 crawl by Google

Contextual help (tooltips, notifications, help tabs, etc.)

Automatic image SEO

Rate your website for 40 SEO factors

From the top 10 SEO software that TopOnSeek has just shared above. Hope to assist you in the SEO process. You can combine the above SEO support software to support and make the most of their features to create maximum efficiency.

TopOnSeek SEO software / website

TopOnSeek is an SEO company with more than 4 years of providing SEO services, so the knowledge of SEO is very deep and really understands Google and the times Google changes its algorithm. SEO software on website platform provided by TopOnSeek includes the following features:

Allows tracking multiple projects / domains at the same time

Allows free tracking of up to 500 free keywords

Competitor analysis

See Top 100 competitor's list of good keywords.

Analyze the number of keywords being indexed by Url.

Outline support tool based on analysis of Top 10 websites



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